Thursday, June 12, 2008

"You Scream and you holla bout my Chevy Impala" - Beastie Boys

Bridger finally did it. He has been saving for almost a year now and this is his bran new (used of course) Chevy Impala. Yes he loves it, but is almost more overwhelmed by the fact that he will have a car payment for the first time in his life! (Okay, and at 28 years old, who can say that?) Luckyyyyy!

Note to Beth and Nichole: He wanted to bring over to your houses for a show and tell yesterday but didnt have the time. I am sure you will be on the route this evening!


Cygnus said...

He might have been 100% sarcastic, and his spelling might have been atrocious, but that was still some pretty good writing! polish up those spelling skills, and he could do some serious work.

bikes rule. :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I wanna see Bridgers new car.
In fact yesterday (thursday) Larry and I drove by his work to go check it out.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Screw the spelling words thats what spell check is for. Keep on expressing and writing.