Thursday, January 22, 2009

Caught with the fly down

I don’t normally laugh at others misfortunes...accept when they are way more fortunate than me! No just kidding, because this is totally something that would happen to me, I would love to feel some kind of empathy for him on this occasion, but I have grown to dislike the man and here is why: Angelina Jolie (who by-the-way I totally loved the first time I saw. Even as a crazy and unsettled post-teen I liked her for being a little daring and wearing what’s-his-names hair or blood or something to the liking around her neck). However, I just don’t like her anymore. She just puts off this "I am way better than all the rest of you" vibe that I can’t get over. Does she think this because she has the money to go to Africa and bring children back here for a way better life (sarcasm). Probably. I don’t know. But she has ruined Brad Pitt as well. He isn’t even cute anymore! Like even if he shaved he would still be, not as cute as he once was. I blame Angie. P.S besides the obvious, why is he wearing a women’s scarf. LAME-O. Also what is with the hat? I mean hasent he stepped out of character yet with the old Button routine?


Anonymous said...

wow there is something oddly satisfying about that picture. The official word is schadenfreude, which I can never pronounce so I am gld this is a blog.

Texie said...

I know right? 'schadenfreude"? Im gonna have to look that one up Beth!