Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Roll it, Pat it, Mark it with a T

Well I have a whole new respect for the butcher, the baker, and the candle stick maker! Oh to make a cake. Not the easiest thing to do. Once you got the cake made its just a matter of time. (Like 2 days time). I made a lot of mistakes, but then realized, the further you advance, the more able you are to cover your mistakes. I was going to cover the whole thing in fondant, but after tasting fondant, realized I better frost it and then use the fondant to decorate it. And so that is what I did. I told my friends I would never make another one again, but now I am already thinking of ways to do another one without mistakes. I really wanted it to be pretty for all my May peeps and I was so nervous that it would turn out in shambles that I didn’t enjoy myself as much as I should have. In retrospect it was pretty fun. Note to self: Must remember to relax.


Anonymous said...

The. Most. Fabulous. Cake. Ever.

The Cooper's said...

Wow! I am impressed Tex! That looks amazing, much better than I could ever do. Good Job!

Jylaire said...

I'm super impressed! SO much better looking than my first attempt at a cake!