Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ending Las Vegas


Cygnus said...

it's all about attitude, baby! :)

i know the "travels" of which you speak, and i know how difficult it can be to "bring your own sunshine" down there. good on ya for finding the bright spots to the trip!

did you get any good schwag?! Northop and Lockheed were always good for some gems. I remember 3 years ago at the second MPUC down there that NG had laser/LED light pens. those were psycho-hot. Last year, I think it was the 453rd that had Sudoku games. Good schwag.

Well I'm glad you survived. Welcome home!

Texie said...

Thanks for the Welcome. Not many treasures this year. iGov had this really cool emergency kits and I got one of them. I did pick up a couple laser pens because Annie just goes nuts for them! Oh and I got a ball for Annie that lights up and makes sounds when it is bounced. She is crazy happy with that. For the most part the prizes were not as spectacular as they have been in years past, although Brian Buck won a $200.00 Ipod. Luuucky!