Monday, September 21, 2009

Those cute British people

There is just something about the British that we Americans absolutely cannot get enough of. I am pretty sure it’s the adorable accent. But we love them for other things as well; their royalty, their history, and especially The Beatles. Now, with that said, I have to just mention how bad some of the British celebs are pissing me off. They keep coming over here, and talking about our politics.
Eddie Izzard (whom I adore, absolutely) said in his famous stand up skit in Los Angeles “The NRA says “People kill people, not guns…..well, I think the gun helps””. Hilarious, Eddie, I love you. But really you come over here and start talking about our politics as if Europe’s got it all figured out and we are sooo behind. We fought a horrible war in order to have our own system that we would get to dictate. Our ancestors went through hell in order to get away from Europe’s ‘already figured out’ ways. In case you haven’t noticed, we still aren’t listening. We are still fixed on having our own individual ideas.
Eddie’s little comment there makes me laugh and so I easily forgave his audacity. Plus he is a comedian so he has full blanched on jokes.
But then, at the MTV video music awards, Russell Brand stands up and says something about how in his country they don’t let the citizens die in the streets, and we need to pass healthcare. To this I say, well I am glad that you are the authority on what we should do to fix our problems. And we don’t let our citizens die in the streets. If they need medical care, they can walk into an emergency room anywhere across the country and get help. Please.
Russell, you are adorable; obnoxious to a fault, but adorable. But really, why don’t you go home and fix your own problems, and leave our problems up to us to work out? We all know there is a need for healthcare reform, and we will decide what we are going to do to fix it. “For the people, by the people”, you want to be “one of the people” come on over, we’d love to have you and your adorable accent. But until then don’t come on TV programs and spout your views on what needs to happen in MY country. It’s none of your business. And if MTV put him up to it, which I am totally sure they did, that is fine, but get an American to come out to spout these brainwashing the youth political agendas and leave those adorable British people to do what is that you are paying them to do….talk in that adorable funny accent. And so Russell, using a great Death to Smootchy quote; “You’re not paid for your opinions so get your ass our there and dance for the cameras”.