Monday, March 9, 2009

A little perspective

So…best friend Ricki just called me. And to make a long story short (and to protect the story as I don’t know how happy she would be at me making her life completely public)… she tells me that her Ex- husband has a brain tumor (or a “shadow” I guess is what he is calling it). She said, that he said, that right now, it looks okay. They are keeping an eye on it and so far it is appearing operable if needs be. But, just the fact that this is going on is obviously scary as hell. This is the father of her children and as she explained, once you hear something like that, all the animosity kind of fades into the back ground. She called him and they agreed that from now they are going to act like friends and be good to each other because after all they were best friends for years, they should be able to act something like friends now. How grown up. I can’t even forgive the boy who sat behind me in 3rd grade and pulled at my pigtails!