Monday, October 5, 2009

Survival Kit

I quit smoking…again, 5 days ago. It’s just misery. I mean it’s not the end of the world, but it kind of is at the same time. This time, in an effort to lighten the misery load, I made a Quit Smoking Survival Kit. I thought somehow, that this fabulous and rather expensive kit would minimize the urge to smoke. I just HAVE to quit. Smoking, as much as I love it, is simply not part of my future plans. And I am so tired of feeling like crap because of it. Anyways, I thought I would share exactly what is in my survival kit as it is kind of cool…I think.

Bendy Straws – for chewing and sucking on.
Vanilla Sugar body butter - because non-smokers smell good
Cinnamon flavored toothpicks
Tylenol PM
Gum….ALOT of gum
Teeth whitening kit
Notebook for my thoughts -Smoking is like saying “Time out, I have to think about this for a minute” I really relate to Poo Bear when he sits on his log and says to himself “Think, Think, Think”.
Colgate Wisps - I wonder when my colleagues will start wondering why I am constantly sitting at my desk brushing my teeth.
Bag of Sunflower seeds
Carrots and Celery
Dental Floss -I think mostly because I love flossing.
Bert’s Bees chap stick
One vile of emergency instant death suicide serum -You wouldn’t believe how much they charged me for this. It was Insane.


Beth said...

Just when you think you know a person...You love flossing, who would have guessed? :)

It be Cole said...

I love the kit! This will help, I just know it. good luck! Just Breath

Jylaire said...

You are hilarious! Love the idea of the survival kit!