Thursday, October 15, 2009

Paranormal Activity

So I believe in ghosts and the possibility of the unexplainable. I have never experienced anything ‘strange’ or ghost like in my own life, but I still think that for some reason there are people that can’t or won’t move on after they die. So when Beth suggested that we go to Salt Lake to see the movie Paranormal Activity, I was onboard. It was a scary movie. Subtly scary. I didn’t know I was freaked out as bad as I was and I bragged all the way home that scary movies and ghost stories don’t upset me after I leave a theatre. Now I am eating my words. I woke up three times last night with freaky thoughts of someone standing over me as I slept. This may be the first time a scary movie has actually stayed with me through the night.
Happy October!


Beth said...

I didn't think I was that scared but bit pieces of the movie kept popping into my head. I didn't even want to look at that screen shot too long.