Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mourning the Glitter

When I was young, I thought that movie and TV stars were the classiest, prettiest, most magical people alive. I am pretty sure they were not, but the point is they were able to make it ‘look’ like they were. I fear that something has happened to Hollywood in the last decade that makes the glamorous seem desperate and classless. Either it’s me losing my ability to see the magic, or all the Glamour that was Ginger Rogers and Audrey Hepburn is gone.
Now days we have cheap reality TV stars, Kramer who freaks out with racial insults during standup, Mel Gibson who has decided to become an angry anti-Semitic drunk, and Brad Pitt who seems to me to be obsessed with being with the prettiest girl in Hollywood, who ever that may be at the moment. The classless Kardashian’s, Jon and Kate’s horrible public divorce, and Paris’ ability to be famous for being famous are just sad examples of what I am talking about.
Then we have that small group of individuals who are trying to jump on the Reality TV celebrity bandwagon and what a group they are turning out to be! With the lovely OctoMom, and now the balloon boy incident I am wondering what Reality TV is doing to Hollywood’s image.
There are still some shiny stars out there; I think Beyonce handles herself well. Maria Cary is still sprinkled with glitter; we still have Nicole Kidman and Queen Latifah, Anne Hathaway and Will Smith. My point is something seems to be dying in Hollywood. Its losing its appeal and it’s a little sad. Is it technology? We still have all the TV media sources, plus now we are in constant contact with the sometimes trashy news sources that are on line. Also all these stars are suddenly on Facebook and Twitter, they are writing blogs and putting their ‘real’ selves out there. We think we want to know the real celebs but when we find out they are human and flawed just like us, it’s a little disappointing, at least it is for me. I want them to remain magical. Like the YouTube rap video about why Miley Cyrus is no longer on Twitter, is a perfect example of why Miley Cyrus should never be on Twitter or anything else that puts her in the public eye without a PR manager monitoring. Not that I thought a whole lot of her beforehand.
Maybe it’s just the caliber of person that ‘we’ want to watch these days. Maybe Hollywood didn’t lose its glitter; maybe it’s the public who have become tasteless.
I feel bad for talking like this. I know they are human beings. I don’t mean to imply that they should never mess up, I just think they should attempt to be more discrete about it. And I wonder how much of it has to do with an addiction to their own celebrity? While trying to get more attention, do they end up losing the sparkle that makes us love them in the first place?


It be Cole said...

Texie, thank you for blogging more. I enjoy reading your thoughts and ramblings. P.S. Will Smith mmmmmm (I hope to never here bad things about him.)