I just read something that I really want to try…I can’t explain why.
How to make a fly your pet:
Catch a fly in a jar, put him in the fridge and let him cool down just long enough for his metabolism to slow so he is not his perky self. Then take him out of the jar and tie a 15” string around his leg. Now you have a fly on a leash and can tie the other side of the string to your finger. (They said that they tried it and although it required alot of patience it did work).
Catch a fly in a jar, put him in the fridge and let him cool down just long enough for his metabolism to slow so he is not his perky self. Then take him out of the jar and tie a 15” string around his leg. Now you have a fly on a leash and can tie the other side of the string to your finger. (They said that they tried it and although it required alot of patience it did work).

ha ha ha ha ha! that's ... hmm. well, it's an idea. and you tease me about having black widows in the front yard. ;)
how are ya, texie? guess who's bracing himself for round 3 of layoffs. the writing is all over the wall ... it's just a matter of days, i bet. i feel bad ... the company has SO much potential, but the market right now is just crap, and it's killing our sales big-time. in a year or so, i bet it'd be a different story, but i don't think they can last that long. time to polish up the old resume. :)
I tease you about black widows because I have a serious issue with spiders. Like really series. Like go to a shrink and get some help kind of issue.
I am sorry to hear about the company layoffs. That is so hard. I have been in your shoes before and it was so stressful and scary, emotions I am sure that are enhanced by having children and a family. I will keep you in my prayers for sure.
How's the pet project coming? Listen, we're blessing Piper on Sunday and want you to come! It's at 11:00, then we're having a luncheon afterwards at our house. If you can't make it, I was thinking you could come over Tuesday? Let me know!
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