Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Funny Boss

Some may wonder if it is even possible to like your boss. Although it’s a rarity, it is possible, but it takes a very special funny kind of boss to make it happen. Email below that we, his employees, received this morning regarding what is becoming one of his big pet peeves.

Sent: Thu 7/30/2009 6:45pm
Subject: Art Contest

(...notice the delicate placement of items to the left and right of the can...pure genius...)

Because this is now copyrighted "Art" please don't attempt to re-create...and if you see it getting to this point, save us all some legal trouble and empty the garbage or we may have to start paying royalties.

Thanks :)


Jylaire said...

That's hilarious! You need to come on over one of these days to see this new baby of mine!