Last Thursday Bridger and I went to Bear Lake for the annual Robinson Family Reunion. What a fun trip. We took Annie and all her luxuries so that she would be as comfortable there as she is at home (although she certainly was not). She slept on a pillow most of the way and the other half of the time she enjoyed a nice big Dingo Bone. We arrived at camp around 6:30pm and almost immediately started making dinner. Dad had arrived in the morning so camp was already set up.

Nothing says bonding like father and son cooking meat outdoors.
Friday morning Dad and Bridger went to play golf, I stayed behind, did crafts and had long discussions with Annie about nothing at all. After Bridger and Dad returned we went after some yummy Bear Lake Raspberry shakes then drove up to Minnatonka Cave.

Leaving for a little morning golf

On Saturday we went to the beach. Annie experienced sand for the first time and had a blast. Well at least for a while. She helped me dig holes for a while and then when she realized I had dug my own hole in the sand with my feet, and didn’t include her, she felt she must take ownership and playfully started attacking my feet. We took her over to the water and she had so much fun. At first she decided that these ‘waves’ must be trying to play with her because they would chase her and then receed. So she she chased them and then ran from them and then chased them again. It was hilarious. Bridger and I also took her out into the water where she couldn’t touch and encourgaged her to swim for the first time. She did great. She swam clear back to where she could touch (with a little assistance, I was afraid she would tire and sink, so I helped a bit) Anyway she had so much fun. I left Annie with some cousins and we went out on the boat for a while. There was a lot of wind and the waves were pretty high, about 4 feet. But that didn’t stop Bridger and Dad from tubbin’. For which I think they were both crazy! It looked like they were gonna fly off that tube and crash into the water from a 6’ drop.
When we got back to the beach Annie had been sitting for a long time in the middle of a pretty bad sand storm. She was exhausted and had sand all over her. Saddest was her big beautiful eyes were caked in sand. I immediately took her to the truck and got her out of the wind. I washed her eyes out and gave her some water because she was coughing and hacking. She went from having the best time of her life to being completely miserable. But then, isent that how a day at the beach always turns out? We went back to camp and after a good washing Annie went to bed and did not get up the rest of the night.
When we got back to the beach Annie had been sitting for a long time in the middle of a pretty bad sand storm. She was exhausted and had sand all over her. Saddest was her big beautiful eyes were caked in sand. I immediately took her to the truck and got her out of the wind. I washed her eyes out and gave her some water because she was coughing and hacking. She went from having the best time of her life to being completely miserable. But then, isent that how a day at the beach always turns out? We went back to camp and after a good washing Annie went to bed and did not get up the rest of the night.

Bridger at Bear Lake

I bought that outfit for Dad, he looked so cool
Then somehow his shorts got twisted (litterally)
and then he threw on that hat! Oh well I guess it
just goes with him. What a nerd!

Bridger, Dad and I went to the Pickleville Playhouse to see Broadways 'Thoroughly Modern Milley'. It was adorable and sooo fun. I know that the guys were doing this as a favor to me, but they even laughed a few times. (Bridger more than Dad, but at least Dad didnt fall asleep and start snoring or something.) We got back to camp pretty late and crashed out immediately.
On Sunday morning I sat outside in my lawn chair reading when I noticed Annie had these huge red blotches all over her skin. Her ears were swollen too. Then I flipped her on her stomach and she was covered with these huge welts. I thought it was possible that she was allergic to the Canine sunscreen I had been applying to her when we were at the beach the day before. And so I ran her into the camper and showered her down to rinse it all away. She felt pretty hot too. I called my friend Beth back at home and asked her to help me (because that’s what she always does) and she found a phone number for the Vet in Sunset, who would be open on Sunday. I called them and they said that it sounded like an allergic reaction to them as well, and advised me to give Annie some Benedryl. After about an hour her ‘perk’ came back and she started feeling better. Her hives went away and everything was okay. I tell you this dog is gonna be the death of me. I worry about her so much! Poor little toot.
We started packing for the ride home but stayed for a while and ate lunch with Dad. We left camp at about 3:00 and of coarse had to make one final stop for a Bear Lake Raspberry Shake!

Annie was so excited to get home. She went right back to her same ol’ games. (biting Bridgers feet, expecting us to throw a toy at least once every 20 seconds). I could tell she felt a ton better just being back home where she is happiest. It was such a fun weekend. The three of us barely argued at all, (a rare miricle) probably because we were so busy playing. I got to talk to a lot of my super great cousins, who I adore. And play with all their cute babies.
It sounds like you had a blast. Poor Annie!
Glad you back.
Fun weekend! I can't believe you got the boys to go see the musical with you! I'm impressed!
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