Thursday, May 22, 2008

Post Bad Day Regret

Whew, yesterday I was really on one huh? Wow. Today is turning out much better. I fought this morning (in continuation from yesterday) to ward off the ‘bad mood devils’ and now believe that they are fading. I think I owe my work friend Brian for this. (Were peeps, yeah he’s even confirmed it). He just stopped by to say hello, and that made things a little better. Then I vented on yesterdays occurrences and he just stayed very, very still with wide eyes and a little fear on his face. His expression said “Ewwweee she’s projectiling yesterday’s yuckiness, just hold still and maybe you won’t get it in your eye”. And I hope he didn’t!
Is there anyone out there that has ‘post bad day regret’? I do. I rant, I rave, I throw a fit, the next day I don’t see where any of it was that big of a deal! I guess it’s what I was saying about the attack of all the little things that finally gets to you. From my previous post it may seem that I dislike my co-workers to which I have to say that is absolutely not the case. Not even one of them. I don’t know how it happened but all the coolest ‘geeks’ in the world somehow ended up in this office. (Even if that is a walking contradiction, it is exactly what has taken place). It’s just that it is so hard to live with people 9 hours a day. I feel sorry for them really because they have to deal with me. I have Post Bad Day Regret often. Does this mean that I have an anger problem? Maybe I do. My Dad does, and he taught me how to deal with anger and I learned quickly that nothing can really make you feel better quicker, than throwing the stereo off the porch and onto the cement. Just kidding. Well kind of. And I just realized he would feel better in the moment but the next he too had Post Bad Day Regret, especially when he wanted to listen to the radio.


Anonymous said...

We should have a great day today.