Monday, March 10, 2008

Our Sensitive Police

A fun and unnerving little story: This morning around 3:00 or 4:00 I go outside on my patio to let Annie potty, (We have a vet appointment today because of a little potty problem) and there are a couple of cop cars outside. 10:00am I leave work and go home to let Ann out again and as we peruse the yard she walks up to a little baggy on the ground. I pull her back and walk up to it. It’s a bag of needles and other stuff. Obviously my genius little detective dog found us some nice paraphernalia. So I go in the house and call dispatch. They say they will send a cop over. About 2 minutes later, (why can’t they be that quick when someone you love is convulsing on the floor???) a cop pulls up and gets out a bag and picks it up. He gets my name, number, blah, blah, “So have you seen anything suspicious around here?” to which I say “No, it’s probably been here all winter and just become uncovered with the snow melting.” He said with a little chuckle “Yeah, well we found a body over in Clearfield the other day that way. Had been covered up for months, so it’s possible”. Ahhhh, nice to know he understood what I was talking about.

After explaining that this discovery was owed to Annie (who has a snout that could possibly collect disability due to shortness) I asked if Annie would be recieving a "Top Dog" investigator jacket or perhaps a pin for her sweater? He said "No".


Anonymous said...

Sounds like he didn't like Annie horning in on his job, made him nervous.
The guy they found in clearfield, his family reported him missing several months ago. When they found him (very near his apartment at Pepper Ridge when someone was walking their dog) they figured he passed out drunk and then got snowed on.
It made me think of all those times I passed out drunk outside and thought "it's OK someone will come and get me" Well sometimes they don't.